Lighted Dog Collars

Most everyone loves dogs and many own a dog as a pet. Usually a strong bond develops between a dog and its owner. Dog owners pamper their dogs with fashion accessories, jeweled tiaras and parlor treatments. A collar is the most important accessory worn by a dog.

Dog collars are usually attached with an identification tag. Fashion collars, jeweled collars, leather collars, illuminated collars, lighted collars and reflector collars are the most commonly used dog collars. Of these, lighted collars are used to keep a dog safe and are exclusively designed according to its purpose.

Some lighted collars are designed for the safety of professional dogs. They are made from superior components and are durable and waterproof. Flashing safety collars made for hunting dogs have a very slow blink, as fast blinks are dangerous for humans or dogs with neurological disorders.

Using the most advanced technology, lighted collars are designed to be seen at least a half a mile in distance. They are battery powered and available in various colors. They are lightweight and can fit any size dog.

They are usually weather and shock resistant. They are visible on longhaired dogs as well. Most light collars use LED lights. Some lighted collars are made from reflective materials that work with the aid of an external light source. Lighted collars are also made with an electro-luminescent glow wire that have unequaled brightness. The majority of illuminated dog collars run on one standard watch battery and last up to 250 hours.

There are countless benefits of wearing a light collar. Apart from making a dog look unique and stylish, light collars protect the dog, as well as its owner, by making them visible to traffic. They are particularly beneficial in rain, fog and snow. Most lighted collars work on replaceable batteries that are very affordable.

There are great LED dog collars reviewed at

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